Direct Contact Economizer
A Typical implementation of a direct contact heat recovery system.
Water Heater and Stack Econimizer Combined
Direct-Contact, condensing stack economizer equipped with an integral, fully modulating burner. Therefore, the HYBRID provides boiler flue gas heat recovery from existing boilers, and also supplies its own heat sources to completely satisfy process hot water demand. How water is produced at temperatures as high as 185ºF (85ºC), when the HYBRID is natural gas fired.
Available in capacities up to 50 million BTU/hr and for connected boilers up to 100,000 lb steam/hr.
Highly Efficiency Water Heater for Space Heating
Operates at high efficiencies (94%) even when used for space heating requirements, where return water temperatures are as high as 150ºF (66ºC). Hot water is produced at temperatures as high as 190ºF (88ºC).
Available in capacities up to 50 million BTU/hr.
Direct Contact Water Economizer
Direct-Contact, natural gas fired, water heater designed to heat water to temperatures up to 185ºF (85ºC).
Available in capacities up to 50 million BTU/hr.
Condensing Stack Economizer
Direct-Contact, condensing stack economizer which recuperates the residual heat contained in a boiler’s flue gas and transfers the heat to a cold water stream. Hot water is produced at temperatures as high as 140ºF (60ºC).
Available for connected boiler capacities up to 100,000 lb steam/hr.
Direct Contact Condensing Economizer
- Case Study -
This implementation was done at Dial corporation, Chicago USA, with key features summarized below:
System installed on two 75,000 pph 800 psig saturated steam boilers
Steam Production is 95,000 pph in summer, 130,000 pph in winter
Installed after existing FW economizer
Preheat boiler make-up water to 135 F
Installed cost: $600,000
Annual savings $400,000
Payback: 1.5 years